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Print preview commands

Button Action
Next Displays the next page to be printed. If you have multiple worksheets selected and click Next when the last page of a selected worksheet appears, Excel displays the first page of the next selected worksheet.
Previous Displays the previous page to be printed. If you have multiple worksheets selected and click Previous when the first page of a selected worksheet appears, Excel displays the last page of the previous selected worksheet.
Zoom Switches between a full-page view of a sheet and a magnified view. The Zoom feature does not affect printing size. You can also switch between a full-page view and a magnified view of a worksheet by clicking any area of the worksheet.

Depending on the resolution of your monitor, you may not see certain graphics, such as thin borders, in full-page view.

Print Lets you set printing options and then prints the selected worksheet.
Setup Lets you set options that control the appearance of printed sheets.
Margins Displays or hides margin handles that you can drag to adjust page margins, header and footer margins, and column widths.
Page Break Preview Switches to page break preview, in which you can adjust the page breaks on the active worksheet. You can also resize the print area and edit the worksheet. The name of the button changes from Page Break Preview to Normal View if you were in page break preview when you clicked Print Preview Button image.
Normal View Displays the active worksheet in normal view.
Close Closes the print preview window and returns to the previous view of the active worksheet.